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Hokah, Shisha, Nargila - Tips & Tricks

Hookah Tips & Tricks - maintrance Tips

Maintainance Tips

The following steps are essential to maintaining a good smoking hookah smoking:

  • Wash your hookah after every use. You can use a hookah cleaning set.
  • Don't leave water in the hookah base when you are done smoking.
  • When using aluminum foil, poke smaller and twice as many holes in the foil to allow slower burn of charcoal and tobacco.
  • Replace the water in the glass base after every use.
  • Once a month disassemble the hookah and clean every part.

Add Ice To The Waterled-kostky ledu-ice

  • Always put ice to the water. It makes the smoke cooler and smoother.
  • This is in the most useful trick. If you don't have ice cubes, simply use cold water.
  • The job of the water in the hookah base is to cool down the smoke, so a cold water would do a better job.
  • If you don't have ice, use cold water instead.

Mix Flavors with each other

Mix Flavors With Each Other

  • Try mixing different flavors of tobacco to get a unique taste everytime. You can use your imagination to make your own combination with any of the many flavors we carry, and please let us know if you have a good one that you would like to share with us.
  • Here are some flavors that go well together.
  • To mix the tobaccoflavors together you can use one of the multi head hookah bowls or simply mix them in a jar and put it in the bowl.

Add Wine, Juice, or Alcohol

You can always additives to the hookah water. This can be juice, wine, or alcohol.

  • If you decide to add wine, use white wine for smoother and cooler flavors (like mint) and use red wine for heavier flavors (like double apple or red grape).
  • Liqure adds a liquorice flavor to the hookah. For example Vodka goes well with melon, apple, mint, and apricot.
  • Be aware that you only need a small amount of these additives. Usually one or two shot glasses of the additive is enough.


Add Fruit to The Base

  • Adding fruit to the water base makes a huge impact on the way your hookah tastes.
  • Usually put fruits with similar flavor to the hookah tobacco being used.
  • Juicier fruits such as lemons, limes, and berries will add more flavoring than less juicy fruits like apples.
  • Cut the fruits into little pieces and just add them to your icy water.

Wash your Hookah after every useCleaning kit for hookah

  • Washing your hookah after every use not only gives you cleaner hits of tobacco, but also ensures that your hookah lasts much longer.
  • Cleaning your hookah also removes all the nasty smoke residue that builds up in your hookah.
  • Not all hoses are washable. Leather hoses tend to be washable to a degree but are usually made with a steel coil which will start to rust after the first month. Look for a washable guarantee from the manufacturer.
  • Its best to clean your pipe straight after using it, that way the smoke in the pipe doesn't have time to dry.

There are many methods that can be used to enhance the hookah smoking experience. Following are the most popular methods. If you have any questions regarding the following tips or have your own unique trick make a post on our hookah mail.

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Vodní dýmky

Otevírací doba :

Pondělí :  12 - 18:30
Úterý : -zavřeno-
Středa :  12 - 18:30
Čtvrtek : -zavřeno-
Pátek : -zavřeno-

Vyšehradská 414/6 Praha 2

Novinky ve zboží

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Tabák Jibiar Bc Pych 50 g
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Kleště Tortuga Volt 21 cm
Kleště Tortuga Volt 21 cm
Cena: 499,- Kč

Náhodné zboží

Vodní dýmka UNIO Shisha 002-02 Clear
Vodní dýmka UNIO Shisha 002-02 Clear
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